♠ Wicked love ♠

“I can still ride. We could have taken your bike. The hospital isn’t far.”

Dirk slowed the Dodge and indicated a left turn. “Not the way things have been going lately. I’m not having that on my conscience, Janine, make out?”

“Alright. Thanks. I think.”

They rode in silence till the next traffic light.

“I blame the bouncers.”

“What now?” Dirk pulled off as the light turned green.

“Why didn’t they step in? Before it started? Must have been obvious what was going to happen when she picked up the pool cue. I mean, isn’t that their job, to anticipate and prevent?”

Dirk grinned. “What? Against one of Mick’s exes? They work for Mick, not me. So they wouldn’t dare. And she’s as mad as he is. Probably scares the crap out of those boys. Maybe that’s why they lasted so long together.” He cast a quick glance sideways. “Fuck, sorry. I didn’t mean…”

Janine laughed. “Don’t worry. I’m way past being offended by anything you say, boss man. Either of you. Mick’s not as bad as people think.”

Now it was Dirk’s turn to laugh. “Yes, he is. You never knew him. Not really. He was different when you two were together. Even now, when he’s around you, he’s like a better version of himself. Know what I mean?”

She shook her head. “No, I don’t.”

“Well, you wouldn’t, would you? I mean, you’ve got nothing to compare him to. You’ve never seen him when you’re not around.” Dirk considered the logic of that statement, decided it made enough sense for him to carry on.

“Wait till you see him now, ek se. He’s changed. Even I don’t recognize him.”

“What do you mean? Brain damage?”

Dirk shook his head. “No. Well, maybe that’s part of it. But it was there before he came off the bike, make out?” His expression darkened, brows lowering as he struggled to find the right words to express himself. “It’s like he’s not there anymore. Not in control. Like someone took a wild animal and caged it inside his skull. I can see it there behind his eyes, pacing back and forth. It’s hurt. Scared and confused. Ready to lash out at anyone who gets too close to it.”


“What?” Dirk’s head jerked to the side, as if he’d forgotten she was there.

“We’re still talking about a human being, no matter what you think. ‘Him.’ Not ‘it’.”

“Ja, ja, whatever…”


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“I actually roadied for Motorhead for two gigs but those guys were absolutely fucking crazy and with ice on the steps and no sleep for weeks I thought it better to cut my career short before I dropped an amp stack and got my head kicked in by the Hells Angels.”

Want to read more? Check out Incranium by Jon-Pat Myers, now available across the internet, including Amazon.



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